The following publications demonstrates our range of interest and extent of engagement in arboricultural matters.
- Bond, Jerry. 2024. Inside the TPZ. Arborist News 33(3):32-41. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry. 2021. Urban Tree Health: What, Why and How. Arborist News 30(1):46-51. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry. 2020. Urban Tree Health. Revised edition. Geneva,NY. (Order)
- Bond, Jerry. 2018. The Outsider’s Eye: French Veterans. Arborist News 27(3):20-23. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry. 2018. Field Estimation of Tree-Load Potential. TCI Magazine. 29(3):52-56. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry. 2017. Tree Inventories. Arborist News 26(6):12-17. (Reprint)
- Nowak, David J., Walton, Jeffrey T., Baldwin, James, and Jerry Bond. 2015. Simple Street Tree Sampling. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry. 41(6): 346–354. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry. 2014. Working with the ISA BMP on Tree Risk Assessment. The arboricultural consultant 47(3):10-14. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry, Sankowich, Sara, and Christopher J. Luley. 2014. Developing Risk Assessment Standards and Specifications for a Distribution System: A Case Study. Arborist News 23(4):56-62. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry. 2014. Q&A about the Urban Tree Health Method. City Trees 50(1):14-17. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry. 2013. Best Management Practices Series (BMP) – Tree Inventories. Second Edition. Champaign, IL: ISA. (Order)
- Bond, Jerry. 2013. Using a mobile device to collect tree data. Arborist News 22(3):43 (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry, Sankowich, Sara, and Christopher J. Luley. 2013. Developing Risk Assessment Standards and Specifications for a Distribution System. T&D World: Vegetation Management, Tools & Technology. Pub. May 14, 2013. (Online)
- Bond, Jerry, and Andreas Detter. 2013. Wie machen es die Amerikaner? Die Risikoabschätzung für Bäume – Vorstellung der neuen ISA-Richtlinie (How do Americans do it? Tree Risk Assessment – Presentation of the new ISA Standard.) In Dujesiefken, D. (ed.), Jahrbuch der Baumpflege – Yearbook of Arboriculture 2013. Braunschweig:Haymarket Media, pp. 134-141. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry. 2012. Production Use of the BMP Tree Risk Assessment Method. Arborist News 21(4):20-21. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry. 2012. Urban Tree Health. A Practical and Precise Estimation Method. Geneva, NY:Urban Forest Analytics LLC. (Order)
- Bond, Jerry. 2011. Tree Load: Basic Field Analysis. Arborist News 20(2):24-26. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry. 2011. Tree Load: Concept. Arborist News 20(1):12-17. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry. 2010. Field tree load analysis: a basic method for arborists. Western Arborist 36(2):52-58. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry. 2010. Tree Condition: Health. Arborist News 19(1):34-38. (PDF)
- Luley, Chris, Sankowich, Sara, and Jerry Bond. 2010. The Effectiveness of tree risk assessment on electric utility distribution systems. Utility Arborist Newsline 1(1):14-16. (PDF)
- Escobedo, Francisco J., Luley, Christopher J., Bond, Jerry, Staudhammer, Christina and Charles Bartel. 2009. Hurricane debris and damage assessment for Florida urban forests. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 35(2):100-106. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry. 2009. What you can do with Stratum. Taking Root: a newsletter for the New York State Urban and Community Forestry Council. 27(Summer):3. (PDF)
- Nowak, D., Crane, D., Stevens, J., Hoehn, R., Walton, J., and J. Bond. 2008. A Ground-based method of assessing urban forest structure and ecosystem services. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 34(6):347-358. (PDF)
- Bond, J. 2006. Foundations of Risk Analysis: Use of the t/R ratio to Evaluate Trunk Failure Potential. Arborist News 15(5):31-34.(PDF)
- Luley, C J., and J. Bond. 2006. Evaluation of the Fate of Ice Storm-Damaged Urban Maple (Acer) Trees.
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 32(5):214-220. (PDF) - Bond, Jerry, and E. Buchanan. 2006. Tree inventories. Arborist News 15(3):12-17 (PDF) and 15(4):12-16 (PDF).
- Bond, Jerry, and E. Buchanan. 2006. Best Management Practices Series: Tree Inventories. Champaign, IL: ISA.
- Bond, Jerry. 2006. The Inclusion of Large-Scale Tree Planting in a State Implementation Plan. A Feasibility Study prepared for the National Tree Trust. (PDF)
- Bond, Jerry. 2005. The Effect of New Tree Mortality on Canopy Modeling for a SIP. One of a series of factsheets developed for the project Urban Tree Cover and Air Quality Planning. (PDF)
- Zipperer, W. C., S. M. Sisinni, J. Bond, C. Luley, and A. G. Pleninger. 2004. An assessment of management history of damaged and undamaged trees 8 years after the ice storm in Rochester, New York, USA. J. Arb. 30:92-100. (PDF)
- Luley, C. J., and J. Bond. 2002. A plan to integrate management of urban trees into air quality planning. 67 pp. (PDF)
- Bloniarz, David, Ryan, H. Dennis P. III, Luley, Christopher J., Bond, Jerry and David C. Hawkins. 2001. An Initial Storm Damage Assessment Protocol for Urban and Community Forests. Amherst, MA, and Naples, NY: USDA Forest Service and Davey Resource Group. (Online)
- Bond, Jerry. 2000. Tree emergency manual for public officials. (PDF).